Club Leadership

They take care of the boring stuff

Elected Officers

  • President Mike Biggs

  • Vice President Matt Jenkins

    I finally took the leap and started brewing in 2014 after a couple years of curiosity. What began as a basic, small extract setup soon transformed into an entire room filled with fermenters, mill, electric brewhouse, and countless accessories. The most enjoyable part, for me, is sharing something that I've created with others. While my friends and neighbors didn't seem to mind at all, I wanted to share with a larger number of people, get feedback, and learn how to improve my brews. I attended my first AHBC meeting in 2018 and was instantly drawn in by all the other like-minded members. I believe that no matter how much you've brewed, how often you brew, or the quality of the beer you produce, you can always learn more, always improve, and always share your knowledge and experience to help benefit other brewers, or those who are interested taking the journey to making homebrewing a hobby.

  • Secretary Matt Bieber

    Treasurer David Casselbury

    From humble beginnings brewing on a stove in 2015, I joined AHBC in 2017 to learn more about the craft and to meet people who didn’t roll their eyes when I spoke about craft beer. Though my brewing setup no longer includes a stove, it’s not for the lack of knowledge in this club, or lack of used equipment obtained, that my beer hasn’t improved!

  • Competition Chair John Keough

    Been brewing for about 7 years, from extract to all grain. I was brewer of the year in 2022 and look forward to being the competition chair. I also love exploring the craft with new beers I have never brewed before. Looking forward to a good year, and hopefully get some new brewers into the competitions.

Appointed Officers

  • Historian & Librarian Juan Ascencio Evia

    I’ve been a member of the Annapolis Homebrew Club since 2016, after moving from Houston, TX. I’ve been brewing since 2012 (extract) and finally startedbrewing all-grain in 2018. I love porters, stouts and IPA’s, but can’t and won’t do sours!! Also, I will never say NO to a brewery tour or a happy hour!

  • Website Administrator Sean Timm

    I was first introduced to homebrewing back in 2011 when I brewed an extract hefeweizen using a bunch of hand-me-down gear and a 3 gallon pot on the stove. It was a resounding failure, with half the batch ending up on the floor. Following a few more failed attempts, I thought that to be the end of my homebrewing hobby. Fast forward to 2018 where I was first introduced to the AHBC at our annual Pints 4 Paws event. I was absolutley blown away by the quality of the beer, and how welcoming the group was. Shortly after, I decided to join the club. I dusted off the old equipment, and with the help and guidance of these rockstars I was eventually able to create liquid that resembled beer! What I've grown to love about the AHBC is the variety of perspecties. Whether you're just interested in drinking delicious brew with like minded great individuals, or you're eager to improve your techical brew knowledge, this is the place for you! Cheers!

  • Guild Representative Christa Chasis

  • Community Outreach Coordinator Scott Stramella